Mindset + Movement

5 Best Free Online Yoga + Meditation Classes

6 years ago

Happy International Womans Day! Treat yourself to a bit of self-love and care by completing an online yoga or meditation class this weekend. Here are a few favourites to choose from -B xx I thought I would share with you today some of the best online free yoga and meditation videos that I tend to […]

Skin Health

Hair Falling Out? Top 8 Plant-Based Sources Of Protein

6 years ago

I was always under the understanding that there was protein in everything pretty much (of course some foods contain WAY more protein that others!). I didn’t even realise that protein deficiency was ‘a thing’ until a friend mentioned to me last year that her doctor said it was a big problem among women particularly during […]

Clear Space

10 Tips To Get Your Digital Wellbeing Sorted For 2023!

6 years ago

“Human’s matter more than machines, technology should serve us, not the other way around, and the most meaningful connections are those between people, not devices” – Liza Kindred As technology advances, shapes and changes our lives we need to be mindful of how we are using it, how it is serving us and how we […]

Skin Health

‘The Longevity Diet’ The Science Behind Cellular Rejuvenation! Book Review

6 years ago

The Longevity Diet By Dr Valter Longo dropped this year and it has been generating a lot of buzz and positive reviews so I thought I would give it a read. His book is based on twenty-five years of his own research into how the human body ages and how all major diseases are ultimately […]

skin care routine for natural beauty woman lying in grass
Skin Health

10 Step Night-Time Skin Care Routine For Glowing Skin!

7 years ago

Getting a good skin care routine in order is just basic self-care and a must! Particularly to help keep skin looking glowing and nourished as you are getting older. Below is a suggested night time routine, everyone’s skin is different so you need to figure out what works for you! With so many products on […]

Mindset + Movement

Become A Runner! 8 Tips To Start Running Outside

7 years ago

I remember cross country when I was a child at primary school and just running with my friends not really caring to see where I would end up just staying within the pack. One day I decided to see what would happen if I actually tried – and I won the whole thing. Subsequent years […]

Clear Space

5 Ways That Lighting Can Impact Your Natural Circadian Rhythm

7 years ago

All humans (and animals!) have built-in clocks which determine their sleep-wake cycle (also known as their natural circadian rhythm). The human circadian rhythm runs on a 24-hour clock which also determines body temperature, hormone regulation, sleepiness and wakefulness. The circadian rhythm is actually pretty complex and can also play a big part in your appetite […]

Mindset + Movement

‘Get Up!’ Is Sitting Now The New Smoking? Book Review

7 years ago

“We are designed to move – people in motion are happy. Motion is the notion” – Dr James Levine I recently read the book ‘Get Up: Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It’ by Dr James A. Levine and I really found it so inspirational that I was desperate […]

Skin Health

Homemade Toner: 7 Recipes For Sensitive Skin!

7 years ago

The ‘New’ News on Using Homemade Toner: If you occasionally swab some toner on your face without really knowing the benefits to your skin or even how the heck you should be using it – this is the post for you! Toner used to be chemical-filled and often contained alcohol. If you were struggling with […]

Clear Space

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality And Remove Toxins In 10 Easy Steps!

7 years ago

You may be dismayed to learn that often indoor air is far more polluted than outdoor air! But how can this be? Outdoor air contains pollutants from cars and traffic, smog from fireplaces and burn-offs, and gas pollutants from outdoor gas-powered lawnmowers and tools. However, we can actually be exposed to far more pollutants when […]