Currently Browsing: Clear Space
What is Feng Shui and how can it be helpful for the bedroom? Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of object placement that aims to maximise the ‘chi’ or flow of energy around our homes. This is important because stuck energy in our homes can lead us to becoming stuck in our lives. Clutter […]
What is glyphosate? Glyphosate is the key ingredient in the hugely popular herbicide ’round up’. Glyphosate was discovered as a herbicide by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz in 1970. Since the year 2000, Monsanto’s patent on glyphosate has expired so it is now found in a wide variety of commercial and domestic products designed to […]
“Human’s matter more than machines, technology should serve us, not the other way around, and the most meaningful connections are those between people, not devices” – Liza Kindred As technology advances, shapes and changes our lives we need to be mindful of how we are using it, how it is serving us and how we […]
All humans (and animals!) have built-in clocks which determine their sleep-wake cycle (also known as their natural circadian rhythm). The human circadian rhythm runs on a 24-hour clock which also determines body temperature, hormone regulation, sleepiness and wakefulness. The circadian rhythm is actually pretty complex and can also play a big part in your appetite […]
You may be dismayed to learn that often indoor air is far more polluted than outdoor air! But how can this be? Outdoor air contains pollutants from cars and traffic, smog from fireplaces and burn-offs, and gas pollutants from outdoor gas-powered lawnmowers and tools. However, we can actually be exposed to far more pollutants when […]
Last year I posted an article about detoxing your kitchen from xenoestrogens and how we can work to minimise anything that contains xenoestrogens or phalates out of our kitchens and out of our bodies! While it’s always good to be mindful of any chemical that can enter our bodies through the food that we eat […]
What Is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is based on maximising the flow of ‘chi’ or energy that flows through all things. We are all born with a certain amount of ‘life force’ or energy. As you go about your day and come into contact with things in your environment, day-to-day events and different types of […]
It is really important for our health and well-being to live in a clean and tidy space! When we accumulate too many things they can weigh on our mind, create blocks and stop us from achieving our goals and moving forward. In order to become the best versions of ourselves, we need to create the […]
Awhile back I promised an article on how xenoestrogen’s (synthetic oestrogen-like compounds) can affect our bodies – here is that article! Sorry, it’s all a bit controversial I guess, this was hard to write. Rather scary isn’t it? -B xx WHAT IS OESTROGEN? The two main sexual hormones that women have are oestrogen (or estrogen […]
What I most often get asked when people learn that I don’t eat any animal products is what do you eat? It used to be that every meal was not complete without an animal product for ‘protein’. I am finding that more and more restaurants are becoming open to the idea of meat and dairy […]