Skin Health

Iced Water For Your Face? How It Helps Anxiety

2 years ago

*Disclaimer: If you are struggling with your mental health please see your trusted health professional* How can iced water help your brain and body? Recently I posted about how hot baths can have amazing benefits for your body, heart, circulation, and skin health. Exposing your body to healthy doses of cold can also be beneficial! […]

Mindset + Movement

Affirmations For Throat Chakra Blocks

2 years ago

What Are Chakras? In Sanskrit (the classical language of India and Hinduism) the word chakra means ‘wheel’. The seven symbolic energy wheels or ‘chakras’ start at the base of your spine and then work their way up to the top of your head. The seven different chakras are said to hold influence over your health. […]

Skin Health

Epsom Salts In Your Bath: 6 Benefits

2 years ago

What is bathing with epsom salt good for? You might have heard about epsom salts from time to time and have popped them in your bath before. Having an epsom salt bath provides your body with many benefits and is an easy low cost way to get some really effective self care in! Epsom salt […]

Mindset + Movement

Parasympathetic And Sympathetic Nervous System

3 years ago

“Trust me when I say that there are incredible, beautiful souls out there who are creating a new world. They do not live in fear. It does not even enter their mind. They are vibrant, magnetic humans that are creating magic in this world. When you meet one, you’ll know. Picture the life you want, […]

Mindset + Movement

5 Yoga Wheel Exercises For Back Pain Relief

3 years ago

What is a Yoga Wheel? Is It Safe For Beginner Yogi’s? The Yoga Wheel or ‘Dharma Wheel’ was created by a Yogi named Shri Dharma Mittra and his son, Yogi Varuna. The design has been refined somewhat over the years and we now have creations sourced from wood, cork and plastic. It has been designed […]

Clear Space

Feng Shui Bedroom: Where Should I Place My Mirror?

3 years ago

What is Feng Shui and how can it be helpful for the bedroom? Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of object placement that aims to maximise the ‘chi’ or flow of energy around our homes. This is important because stuck energy in our homes can lead us to becoming stuck in our lives. Clutter […]

Mindset + Movement

Depressed? Your Call To Deep Rest: 7 Types Of Rest

3 years ago

“Who you are; is this vast ocean” – Jeff Foster “It’s only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything” – Unknown “You should think of the word depressed as rest, deep rest; your body needs to be depressed, it needs deep rest from the character that you’ve been trying to […]

Mindset + Movement

COVID-19 Foods + Vitamins To Help Boost Immunity!

5 years ago

“The sun sets every day and still rises again in the morning” – Fuarian Hi Lovelies, a quick update about me. Sorry I have had to take a break from this space over the past while. I have been working full time in the health/wellness space (hopefully learning a lot!) any time that I am […]

Clear Space

Top Foods Which May Contain Glyphosate (Roundup)

5 years ago

What is glyphosate? Glyphosate is the key ingredient in the hugely popular herbicide ’round up’. Glyphosate was discovered as a herbicide by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz in 1970. Since the year 2000, Monsanto’s patent on glyphosate has expired so it is now found in a wide variety of commercial and domestic products designed to […]

Mindset + Movement

Get Out In Nature! 5 Benefits To Practice Grounding

6 years ago

“We often tired and imbalanced not because we are doing too much, but because we are doing too little of what is real and meaningful” – Marianne Williamson What Does It Mean To ‘Ground’ Your Body? Grounding your body can mean two different things, first of all getting grounded in your body. That is, getting […]